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20th Century ArchitectureBy Dennis Doordan

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For undergraduate courses in the History of Twentieth Century Architecture, History of Modern Architecture, History of Twentieth Century Art and Architecture, as well as courses in Material Culture Studies.This introductory historical survey reviews a variety of 20th century design movements provoked by the modern architectural movement, and exposes students to a broad spectrum of styles--including art deco, organic, state classicism, and traditional architecture--and their relationship to social, cultural, and political life of the period. Taking into account recent scholarship and critical debates, it helps students understand the implications of colonial and post-colonial themes in 20th century architecture; gender issues in 20th century architecture; and current discussions among architectural and art historians concerning the role of "canons" in the history of 20th century art and architecture. Engaging students in the lively and on-going debate of how 20th century designers, architects, and engineers conceptualized, fabricated, and evaluated their buildings and environments, the book treats architecture as a broad field of activity in which different conceptions of the built environment coexist and their respective merits are continually debated by designers, patrons, and the general public. Organized into three major periods, it presents a concise yet very ample survey of 20th century architecture that is flexible enough to meet today's diverse course and assignment needs.
- Sales Rank: #814526 in Books
- Published on: 2001-09-23
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x .63" w x 8.00" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 304 pages
From the Back Cover
What is the appropriate architecture for modern times? Should it free itself from the shackles of earlier forms? Or should the received wisdom of the past be incorporated into new buildings? Architects and critics have debated these questions for over a century. Rather than validate a particular ideology, Dennis Doordan's thoughtful, wide-ranging survey follows the progression of modern architecture as a manifestation of this debate.
Histories of modern architecture are often conceived as the struggle, triumph, and inevitable exhaustion of high modernism in the United States, Western Europe, and Scandinavia. The reader of Twentieth-Century Architecture will encounter instead a more global and open approach that considers what was possible, desirable, and appropriate during a volatile era of unprecedented opportunities.
There are three parts: Confronting Modernity, 1900-1940; Modernist Hegemony, 1940-1965; and An Era of Pluralism, 1965-2000. Covering developments in the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia, Dennis Doordan discusses the form, function, materials, and technologies of domestic and recreational spaces, workplaces, and buildings that reflect the chosen image of the state, and he also provides some treatment of city planning.
Along the way, the reader is treated to a thorough discussion of the work of architects and designers such as Alvar Aalto, Pietro Belluschi, Paul Bonatz, Le Corbusier, Bertram Goodhue, Walter Gropius, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Julia Morgan, Oscar Niemeyer, Marcello Piacentini, Raili and Reima Pietila, Alison and Peter Smithson, James Stirling, Mies van der Rohe, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
About the Author
Dennis P. Doordan is Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He is the author of Building Modern Italy: Italian Architecture, 1914-1936 (Princeton Architectural Press, 1988), as well as numerous articles. He is the editor of Design History: An Anthology (MIT Press, 1996) and coeditor of Design Issues, a leading international journal devoted to the history, theory, and criticism of design.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Books belong in the hands of readers and every author imagines who his or her readers may be. This book is an introductory survey of twentieth-century architecture for students engaged in the study of the subject and its relationship to the social, cultural, and political life of the period. It is the author's hope that this text will provoke students to pursue the subject further. If the book starts the reader on a quest to learn more about the subject and draws him or her ever deeper into the issues, it will have accomplished its principal goal.
A second, equally important group of readers will pick up this book not because they are enrolled in a formal educational program but because they are motivated by curiosity. We spend our lives surrounded by buildings and for most of us those of the twentieth century constitute the largest portion of the architecture encountered on a daily basis. Therefore, it is only natural to wonder about something as pervasive, important, and engaging as architecture. What accounts for its diversity in the twentieth century? What stories, ideals, hopes, and fears were architects trying to convey to their peers and to posterity? The author hopes the general reader will find his or her curiosity rewarded and consequently an appreciation of the world around them enhanced.
This book is divided into three main sections. The first part, "Confronting Modernity," surveys four discrete domains of professional design activity in the period 1900-1940: urban architecture, domestic architecture, the architecture of industry and transportation, and political architecture. This period is described as one of intense debate among architects advocating different approaches such as classicism, modernism, organicism, and craft-based design. The second part, "Modernist Hegemony," reviews developments during the period 1940-1965. During these years, the terms of the debate concerning the character of an appropriate architecture were dramatically revised—and narrowed. It is still a period marked by lively discussion, but the discourse is now predicated almost entirely in terms of modernism and modernist conceptions of appropriate models and design strategies. The third part, "An Era of Pluralism," covers the years 1965-2000. A new consciousness of environmental issues, new scientific paradigms, and critical theories of knowledge called into question the certainties of modernism. This part reviews the spectrum of design movements—postmodernism, deconstructivism, new classicism, "green" architecture, and even a reinvigorated modernism—characteristic of the last decades of the twentieth century.
Although writing is often a solitary occupation, no author of an illustrated history book such as this truly works alone. I wish to thank the following people and institutions for their assistance during the long gestation period of this manuscript. Some of the individuals listed below provided support on a regular basis; others appear here because they asked provocative questions or offered useful advice at critical moments in the process of research and writing. To all I offer my sincere thanks: Richard Buchanan, Richard Bullene, Norman Crowe, Kai Gutschow, Robert Hohl, Judith Hull, Wendy Kaplan, Pekka Korvenmaa, Victor Margolin, Dennis McFadden, Sarah Nichols, Janet Parks, Sidney Robinson, Diane Shaw, Thomas Gordon Smith, John Stamper, Davira Taragin, Carol Willis, and John Zukowsky. I would like also to thank the following reviewers: Linda Hart, Department of History and Theory, Southern California Institute of Architecture; Charles S. Mayer, Department of Art, Indiana State University; Kevin D. Murphy, CUNY Graduate Center and Brooklyn College; Lisa Reilly, Department of Architectural History, School of Architecture, University of Virginia; and Craig Zabel, The Pennsylvania State University.
I received invaluable assistance from Jane Devine and the staff of the Architecture Library at the University of Notre Dame. Part of the research for this project was supported by a grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. I wish to acknowledge the editorial support (and almost infinite patience) of my editors Lee Ripley Greenfield and Richard Mason at Calmann and King. For their work on the collection and preparation of visual material for this book I thank Sue Bolsom at Calmann and King and Thomas Walker at the University of Notre Dame. For his carefully considered and dynamic design I thank Tim Higgins. At various times in my career I have offered classes on different aspects of twentieth-century architecture and design. I have benefited from the thoughtful questions and sharp observations of students and I thank them for their interest in the subject.
Dennis P. Doordan
January, 2001
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